Rev 02

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The Streamer

CineCloud Streamer is the Cinemeccanica software for the cinema monitoring and management.

It allows the full control of all the theaters through a simple and user-friendly interface.

With CineCloud Streamer, the user is able to monitor in real time what is happening in all the Theaters, to know the status of the players and view the scheduling of the entire cinema.

It allows creating shows by inserting movies, music, automation and advertising.

CineCloud Streamer also supports the “on demand” cinema.


Menu Bar 2

Theater 3

Monitor 3

Player 4

The Timeline 5

Content 6

Content 6

Details 6

Tools 8

Video 9

Show 9

Intermission 10

Library 11

The Playlist 11

Scheduling 13

Schedule tools 14

Visalize Event Day 15

Verify Schedule Integrity 16

Verify CPL Ingest 16

Ingest 17

Ingest DCP 17

Ingest KDM 17

Menu Bar

By opening the CineCloud Streamer main page, the user can navigate within the sections of the program through the menu bar.

1 => Main Menu

2 => Submenu

3 => Clock

4 => Events of the day

5 => Exit


By clicking on the button, you can view the today’s events list with respect to the indicated theater.

In the window that appears, select the option you want.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Select Event.png

If you want to view the events of a single theater, select the desired theater.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Theater select.png

In the new window will be listed the list of all events in the indicated theater.



By accessing CineCloud Streamer screen opens the main page monitor.

Here are listed the theater players and with a quick glance you can know the status of the rooms, which content is playing, the point of playback, and the overall duration of the running content.

Theater Ready

Element in Play

Next Element in queue

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Theatre State.png Theater Playing

Status (in Play)

Lamp Status

Manual or automatic



C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Theatre Empty.png C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Theatre OffLine.png Theater with no queue

Audio Status

Time Remaining

Playng Time

Theater off Line


By selecting one of the player, the system opens the tab “player”, which presents the detail of the contents in play, the cues and the playlist of the contents loaded.

1 => Content Info: Image, time playing info, title, director, category and year of the playing film.

2 => Time bar with playback point and duration of the file

3 => Player cues: Automatic/Manual, Play, Pause, Stop, Jump to, Next

4 => Lock/Unlock: enables the user to manage the player.

5 => Tools: Open the tools window for the theater.

In the underlying part, it is listed the next elements in playback.


In the tools window user can manage the audio, the projector, automation, switch or the command tag of the theater selected.

The Timeline

In the tab “timeline” you can view the schedules of each theater for controlling the start and end times of the shows scheduled for the next 24 hours.

The list on the right side displays all the scheduled events detailing the theater number, the title and the state of play or the missing time at the beginning of the show.



In the content section, you can get an overview of the contents of the library.

Search Option: to facilitate the search of the elements it is possible to filter the group and category of the elements through the dropdown menu or type the element title in the search box.

By clicking on the column header, items will be ordered with respect to the value of the selected field.

In the header, there are keys to upload the DCP and the KDM of the content file. (Go to Ingest DCP or Ingest KDM)


By selecting from the list one of the contents, in the right side appears the details section.

In the On Demand window, you can edit all the information relating to the selected items, such as:

  • Title
  • Image
  • Description
  • Director
  • Actors
  • Category
  • Year 
  • Nationality 
  • Language

To upload an image click on the image field and select the image from the explorer window

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\No image.png

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\image search.png

User can see in the other tabs the Detail, the status or manage the CPL and to verify the KDM of the selected file.


C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Load CPL.png

In the Tools tab user can load CPL by click on C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\transfer CPL.png button and then select the projector (or IMB/IMS) to send the DCP to.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\DCP Charge.png

Furthermore, user can choose when to do the upload of the selected DCP:

  • Now: immediate upload
  • Tonight: i.e. at 01:00 AM on the following day
  • Custom: this will open a window where you can enter the time of the upload.

DELETE CPL: It works the same way as Transfer Cpl, but it removes the CPL from the IMB Server.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Select Delete DCP.png

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Delete DCP.png By clicking on Streamer will remove the entire DCP from the Datastore and from Content.

However, it is not possible to delete a DCP if any of its CPL is currently inside a Show or Playlist.


In the “Video” tab there is the list of all the video charged and all of the content that no need CPL.


By selecting from the list one of the contents, in the right side appears the details section, where user can edit all the information relating to the selected items, such as: Title, Image, Description, Director, Artist, Category, Year, Nationality, Language.

By clicking on “Import Video” user can add new video in the list.


In the tab “Show” there are organized all performances created by the user. These elements are those used for scheduling.

For every show are specified the title, duration and number of elements.

You can search for one show through the search box (Search Option), edit or delete

the selected show.

To add a new show just click on “New”.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\New Show.png

Enter the title of the show in the window that appears and click on “Confirm”.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Show title.png

To add new elements, drag them from the library on the right inside of the show.

Once have entered the elements in the list, user can change the order by selecting the item and dragging it to the desired position, while it is possible to delete the objects using the red X.

By selecting an item with the right click, the function menu appears to allow you to remove the item, duplicate it (adds a copy to the list) or switch the element to an intermission.

Through the key, you can assign a custom color to identify easily the show within the whole program.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\color tab.png


By selecting the intermission function, the system opens the following window asking to enter the waiting time for the execution of the element starting from the beginning of the previous one.

Once confirmed, the intermission elements to will displayed with a tab as in the image below:



In the right part of the window is displayed the library from which it is possible to select the items. The different types of elements divided into tab “Digital Cinema“, “Automations“, “Playlist” and “Video“. It refer to all elements inserted in the Content

For speeding up the search, you can filter the titles of elements through the search box and the tab “Digital Cinema”. It is also possible to filter items in groups and genres.

The Playlist

In the “Playlist” tab, the system organize all playlists created by the user. For each playlist, it is specified the title, duration, number of elements.

You can search for a specific playlist using the search box, or edit or delete the selected playlist.

To add a new playlist just click on “New Playlist”.

The window that appears shows the content of the selected playlists.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Playlist content.png

Type the title in the box “playlist title” and click “Save”.

To add new elements, drag them from the library on the right inside of the playlist.

Once you have entered the elements in the list, you can change the order by selecting the item and dragging it to the desired position, while it is possible to delete the objects using the red X.

By selecting an item with the right click, appears the function menu that allows you to remove the item, duplicate it (adds a copy to the list) or switch the element to intermission.


In this section, it is possible to schedule the execution of the show created for all the theaters in the cinema.

You can navigate between different days thanks to the timeline by selecting the desired day.

To enter the show, select them from the library on the right and drag them to the timeline in correspondence of the theater and of the desired time.


The start time of the show is visible in the tooltip when the mouse cursor was on the element scheduled.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Schedule info.png

You can change the time of execution of the show or move the show from one theater to another by dragging them at the desired time.

By right clicking on a show within the timeline, is possible to delete, copy or paste in correspondence with the position of the mouse cursor. By selecting multiple show at the same time, it is possible to perform a multiple copy. The copied contents will be pasted consecutively with one another.

You can copy or delete the entire scheduling of a theater using the keys copy or deleteC:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Ico Sched.png

The scheduling of one theater can be pasted into the scheduling of another one even on different days.

In the same way, it is possible to manage the programming of an entire day for all the thetres, by right clicking on the desired day.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\day option.png

This opens the menu from which you can choose:

  • Clear Day: Delete the scheduling of all the theaters for the entire day
  • Copy Day: Copy the scheduling of all the theaters for the entire day
  • Pastes Day: Paste the scheduling copied in all the theaters for the entire day selected, replacing any scheduling previously inserted.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Save Chsnge.png To save and make changes to the scheduling press in this way, the system automatically loads the DCP necessary to the projectors and matches the related KDM.

Schedule tools

The “Tools” section shows the following keys:

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Events.pngVisalize Event Day

By clicking on you can view the list of the events for the selected day in the selected theatre.

In the window that appears, select the desired option.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Select Event.png

In the event of a display of events for a single theater, select the desired theater.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Theater select.png

In the new tab that will open, it will be listed the tree of all the events of the indicated theater.

Verify Schedule Integrity

By clicking on the program checks for errors within the scheduling system.

At the end of the check in the event of correctness the following screen will appear:

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Sched OK.png

Verify CPL Ingest

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\Verifica CPL.png By clicking on the system checks that all the elements inserted in the show scheduled are loaded correctly into the projectors (IMB/IMS).

In the event of an error, it appears the “list of errors” that indicate which CPL has not yet been loaded into the projectors (IMB/IMS) as scheduled and/or the KDM is there or not.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\CPL Error.png


In this tab user can manage and Monitoring the status of DCP, KDM and uploads.

Ingest DCP

To Ingest DCP click on C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Ingest DCP.png button.

Select the Searching Mode by the dropdown menu (Link, FTP, Copy)

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Ingest DCP Windows.png

In this windows select the path of the desired DCP and click on “Add Selected to Ingest List”

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\Ingest .png Then select

Ingest KDM

To ingest the KDM Click on button.

C:\Users\onair\Desktop\GUIDE\Immagini\Streammer\2021\KDM Select.png

Then select the selection Mode:

  • From USB
  • From Folder
  • From Browser